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Astrology Reports for family and family members,
Astrology Reports for Company and employees,
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Nina C. (Slovenia)
I have always been interested in astrology. Soon after the birth of my daughter, I became interested in her astrological chart. As her… read more
Elizabeth G. (United States)
It was everything I was looking for and more! Thank you for providing such an eye-opening and informative service! I have been learning astrology… read more
Natalija Zvokelj (Denmark)
After becoming a mother, understanding my son, his personality and his needs was my top priority. But coming to that understanding was not an easy… read more
Alessandra (Italy)
I was surprised on this reports. The analysis is very detailed and full of interesting input to reflect about. Every piece of the… read more
Marjan Rijavec (Slovenija)
Huh…What an insight!!! I have been working a lot on myself in the last 5 years and I also changed few industries in that… read more
Johanna Valdez (Philippines)
It’s insane how accurate the report is. I get shivers reading some chapters because it just hits home. I love it, because it… read more
Nastja Rijavec (Slovenia)
I decided to get an astrology report mainly out of curiosity and because I was at the point where I wasn’t sure what… read more
Janez Batič (Slovenia)
First, I would like to say that Jure is very warm person and his actions are always pointed from his heart. I got the… read more
Marissa (Netherland)
This is amazing! Almost one year ago Jure appeared in my life and almost as much as himself, this rapports are an amazing… read more
Luka (London, United Kingdom)
Getting the astro reports has proven incredibly insightful. They shed some light unto past events, possibilities the future holds and illuminated both lighter… read more
Arkadeb Bhattacharyya (Kolkata, India)
I was gifted a number of astrological reports by my friend for my birthday. I started going through one of them casually, and things… read more
Amanda Rose (Philippines)
I got the full package report last year for my self and my 6-year old daughter. I read it from time to time, and… read more
Riddhe Ashar (India)
“I loved all reports, especially the karmic insights report. I had never imagined astrology could bring so much clarity about my soul’s karmic… read more
Urša Poljanšek (Slovenia)
Astro reports are a truly helpful insight into some of the most important life areas and personality dynamics. I especially found myself amazed at… read more
Dušan (Novo mesto, Slovenia)
I was at a strange place in my life in need of some incuragement, trying to “fit in”. I did Advance Pack and… read more
Nicole J. Turtschi (Faulensee, Switzerland)
I did the all in one package. I’m so happy about it because it is now very helpful in my life. I can… read more
Special Packages For Special Purposes
177.00 €
Recognize your
child's purposes.
* Merlin Natal Report
* Child Report for Parents
* Personal Security Report
* Life Path Report
* Major Life Themes
199.00 €
Recognize your hidden skils for success.
* Merlin Natal Report
* Harmonic Highlights
* Prosperity Report
* Vocational Guidance
* Personal Security Report
* Solar Return
244.00 €
Reports for spiritual growth & developpment.
* Merlin Natal Report
* Karmic Reports
* Karmic Past Lifes Reports
* Revelation Report
* Life Awakening Report
* Chakras Healing Report
* World Peace Report
299.00 €
Reports for better
connection & relationship.
* 2x Merlin Natal Report
* 2x Hidden Messages
* 2x Karmic Report
* Romantic Compatibility
* StarMate* Report
* Compatibility Forecast
Through professional astrological interpretations, you will recognize your personality and character and reveal the hidden talents, skills, and abilities within. In addition to discovering your skills, these reports will guide and support you on your path to success, help you improve your health, relationships, partnerships, aid you in personal growth and spiritual development.
When you believe you are intelligent, you act intelligently. When you believe you are loving, you act lovingly and attract love. When you believe you are limitless, you act limitlessly and attract success..
Why not accept the truth, that you were born to be happy, to succeed and to live life abundantly? By putting your attention to the most positive manifestation of your Astrology Natal Chart you can create love, joy, and peace in your life. It’s your life, live it!