
Elizabeth Gotschall – United States

    It was everything I was looking for and more! Thank you for providing such an eye-opening and informative service!       I have been learning astrology on my own for the last 2 1/2 years and being a Scorpio Rising, I have been quite obsessed haha  Even though I know way more about…
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Nicole J. Turtschi (Faulensee, Switzerland)
Personal trainer, nutrition coach and Pranic Healing

    I did the all in one package. I’m so happy about it because it is now very helpful in my life. I can understand things and happenings in my life now I never understood before. I almost completely agree with everything written in the loooong reports. I even took notes and I’m removing…
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Urša Poljanšek (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Psychologist and Soul-Based Coach and Pranic Healer

    “Astro reports are a truly helpful insight into some of the most important life areas and personality dynamics. I especially found myself amazed at the Harmonic insight and accuracy of transits and recommendations day by day. I believe these in-depth reports are a powerful tool to navigate through daily life and avoid unnecessary…
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Natalija Zvokelj – Denmark

After becoming a mother, understanding my son, his personality and his needs was my top priority. But coming to that understanding was not an easy task.
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Luka (London, United Kingdom)

    Getting the astro reports has proven incredibly insightful. They shed some light unto past events, possibilities the future holds and illuminated both lighter and darker aspects of my personality and journey I have to make in this life. I was especially astouned by the asteroids report – it was spot on! A great…
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Janez Batič (Litija, Slovenia)
Pranoterapevt in intuitivni svetovalec.

  Najprej bi želel izpostaviti, da je Jure zelo topla oseba in njegovo delo in dejanja vedno izhajajo iz srca. Prejel sem paket zame in za svojo družino. Astrološka poročila so mi razkrila vpogled v moje življenje in družino iz več različnih zornih kotov. Zdaj lažje sprejemam in razumem svoje živlejnje, lažje razumem partnerko in…
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Janez Batič (Litija, Slovenia)
Pranic Healer and Intuitive soul coach

  First, I would like to say that Jure is very warm person and his actions are always pointed from his heart. I got the full package report for me and all my family. The astro report has given me insight into my life and the life of my family from different perspective. I now…
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Dušan (Novo mesto, Slovenia)

  Bil sem v izgubljeni situaciji v svojem življenju in potreboval sem nekaj podpornih točk, da se vrnem. Paket teh astroloških poročil mi je pomagalo, da sem spoznal sebe in razloge za svoja vedenja. Šokiran sem bil nad natančnostjo, katera so astrološka poročila povezala moje življenje, moje vedenje in nekatere slabe dogodke, ki so se…
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Arkadeb Bhattacharyya (Kolkata, India)
Business consultant and author for www.pranaworld.net

  I was gifted a number of astrological reports by my friend for my birthday. I started going through one of them casually, and things became very quickly interesting. Many past events from my younger years, especially connected to behaviors, attitudes and tendencies became very quickly prominent. Certain issues which I am undergoing now were…
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Nina (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

    I have always been interested in astrology. Soon after the birth of my daughter, I became interested in her astrological chart. As her mother I wanted to know what kind of personality she is and what are her potentials. I was amazed when I recognized some of her features already. I notice something…
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Zoran – Slovenia

  Življenje mi je vedno dajalo več vprašanj, kot odgovorov. Še posebej boleča so tista neodgovorjena vprašanja, povezana s takšnimi in drugačnimi življenjskimi blokadami, preprekami, frustracijami, strahovi, zgrešenimi priložnostmi, »zakaj ravno jaz« situacijami,… ko so se mi pojavljali vedno isti vzorci, ki sem jih sčasoma prepoznal, ne pa vedno tudi razumel. Astrološka poročila sem dobil…
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Alessandra (Rome – Italy)

    I was surprised on this reports. The analysis is very detailed and full of interesting input to reflect about. Every piece of the puzzle enriches your knowledge and push your curiosity to know more about this huge, fascinating world. Alessandra Rome – Italija Shiatsu therapist, Pranic Healer and instructor.
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Johanna Valdez – Philippines

    It’s insane how accurate the report is. I get shivers reading some chapters because it just hits home. I love it, because it helps me understand those parts of me that I didn’t before. Most importantly, it helps me embrace all the little things I used to think was wrong about me. I’m…
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Elizabeth Gotschall – United States

  It was everything I was looking for and more! Thank you for providing such an eye-opening and informative service!  I have been learning astrology on my own for the last 2 1/2 years and being a Scorpio Rising, I have been quite obsessed haha  Even though I know way more about Astrology than any…
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Astrology reports amanda luka
Luka (London, United Kingdom)

  Poročila, ki sem jih dobil so se izkazala kot zelo podrobna. Osvetlile so mojo preteklost, možnosti, ki jih imam v prihodnosti in razjasnile moje svetle in temne vidike moje osebnsoti na katerih lahko delam in razvijam v tem življenju. Najbolj me je navdušilo poročilo o asteroidih – to poročilo je bilo na mestu! To…
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Marjan Rijavec (Slovenija)

  Huh…What an insight!!! I have been working a lot on myself in the last 5 years and I also changed few industries in that time and what really surprised me is that all of these industries are mentioned in the astro-report. I was questioning a lot about myself, what do I want in my…
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Nastja Rijavec – Gorica (Slovenia)

    I decided to get an astrology report mainly out of curiosity and because I was at the point where I wasn’t sure what to do next with my life. I have to say that I wasn’t really interested in „astrology world“ before. But after attending Pranic Healing courses by Master Choa Kok Sui…
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Nina (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

    I have always been interested in astrology. Soon after the birth of my daughter, I became interested in her astrological chart. As her mother I wanted to know what kind of personality she is and what are her potentials. I was amazed when I recognized some of her features already. I notice something…
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Zoran (Slovenija)

Dobil sem veliko bolj jasen uvid v moje neprijetne in težke življenjske situacije, predvsem v razloge, zakaj do njih sploh pride, kako jih omiliti, velikokrat celo spustiti. Prava stvar za odkrivanje in razumevanje še neodkritih globin sebe, sploh pri poglobljenem delu na sebi. Toplo priporočam. 
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Astrology reports amanda rose
Amanda Rose (Philippines)
Pisateljica in blogerka na: www.lalunavida.com

  Lani sem dobila celotno poročilo zase in za svojo 6-letno hči. Ko prebiram ta poročila se počutim lahkotnejše in občutim otroško igrivost, v meni oživi ob natančnin inforamcijah teh poročil. Zelo jasno sliko sem dobila tudi iz COSMO poročila o svoji hčeri. Razkriva mi globoko razumevanje njene edinstvenosti, ki jo cenim. Prav tako sem…
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Natalija Zvokelj – Denmark

After becoming a mother, understanding my son, his personality and his needs was my top priority. But coming to that understanding was not an easy task.
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Nastja Rijavec – Gorica (Slovenia)

  Za astrološka poročila sem se odločila zgol iz radovednosti, ker nisem bila prepričana kam se naj usmerim v življenju. Moram priznati, da me prej astrološki svet ni nikoli zanima. Toda po Pranic Heaing tečajih sem se odločila, da preiskusim. Ko sem prebirala ta poročila sem bila presenečena nad njihovo natančnostjo. Dobila sem veliko jasnih…
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Amanda Rose (Philippines)
Writer, Holistic Healing Believer, ... at lalunavida.com

  I got the full package report last year for my self and my 6-year old daughter. I read it from time to time, and when I do, I feel light and childlike satisfaction illuminating from within me at the accuracy of the reports. I also get clarity from the Cosmic report of my daughter.…
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Astrology reports Rieddhi
Riddhe Ashar (Mumbai, India)
Pranoterapevtka in organizator projektov

  Rada imam vsa poročila še zlasti karmično poročilo in spoznanjih, ki jih razkriva. Nikoli si nisem predstavljala, da bi astrologija lahko prinesla toliko jasnostni glede karmičnih potovanj moje duše. To poročilo mi je jasno razkirlo, kaj se moram naučiti v tem življenju in kakšno karmo sem su ustvarila v preteklih življenjih. Dolgo sem se…
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Riddhe Ashar (Mumbai, India)
Rieddhi as known Pranic Healer and Project Manager

    “I loved all reports, especially the karmic insights report. I had never imagined astrology could bring so much clarity about my soul’s karmic journey. The karmic insights report clearly told me the lessons I had to learn in this life and what karmic theme I was carrying forward from my past life. I…
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Alessandra (Rim – Italija)

Presenečena sem bila nad astrološkimi poročili. So zelo podrobno napisana in polna zanimivih izhodišč. Spodbudila so vsak delček sestavljanke mojega znanja in v meni prebudila radovednost, da bi izvedela več o tem velikem vascinantnem svetu. Alessandra Rim – Italija Shiatsu terapevt, Pranic Healer in inštruktor.       .
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Dušan (Novo mesto, Slovenia)

    I was at a strange place in my life in need of some incuragement, trying to “fit in”. I did Advance Pack and this Astrology reports helped me to learn about myself and to find reasons for my behaviour. I was shocked about the precision by which astrology reports sumed up my life,…
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Astrology reports Ursa
Urša Poljanšek (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Dr. psihologije, pranoterapevtka, svetovalka in mentorica za osebni razvoj.

  Astrološka poročila so resnično uporabna in razkrila so vpogled na mojanajpomembnejša življenjska področja in osebnostno dinamiko. Še posebaj navdušena sem bila nad harmoničnimi lastnostmi in natančnostjo ranzitov in priporočil iz dneva v dan. Verjamem, da so ta poročila izjemno močno orodje, ki nam pomagajo krmariti na življenjski poti in izogibati se nepotrebni drami. Poročila…
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Astrology reports Arkadeb
Arkadeb Bhattacharyya (Kolkata, India)
Poslovni konsultant, pisatelj in bloger na www.pranaworld.net.

  Od prijatelja sem dobil astrološka poročila za zvoj rojstni dan. Ko sem začel prebirati ta astrološka poročila so stvari postale zelo zanimive. Številni pretekli dogodki iz moje mladosti – še zlasti na področju mojega vedenja, stališč in težnjam so postale zelo hitro jasne. Nekatera vprašanja, ki se mi porajajo zdaj so bila v nekaterih…
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Marjan Rijavec (Slovenija)
Poslovni terapevt: www.marjanrijavec.com

  Uhh … kakšen vpogled. Zadnjih 5 let veliko delam na sebi in v tem času sem spremenil kar nekaj področij. Kar me je resnično presenetilo, je, da so vsa ta področja omenjena v teh astroloških poročilih. Večkrat se sprašujem, kaj si želim v življenju in v teh poročilih, še posebaj v poročilu o blaginji…
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Marissa (Amsterdam – Netherland)
Healer, trainer & facilitator

    This is amazing! Almost one year ago Jure appeared in my life and almost as much as himself, this rapports are an amazing blessing coming down in my life. It helped me a lot to get clarity, and it makes me smile everytime I read it. As I was not Astral oriented at…
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Astrology Reports Nicole
Nicole J. Turtschi (Faulensee, Switzerland)
Pranoterapevt in osebni trener

Izbrala sem ena paket in zelo sem vesela, ker mi zdaj zelo pomaga v življenju! Zdaj razumem stvari in dogodke, katerih prej nisem razumela. Skoraj v celoti se strinjam z vsem kar je napisano v poročilih. Izpisala sem si šibkosti, ki jih zdaj s Pranic Healing tehnikami odstranjujem in krepim dobre lastnosti. Poročila definitivno priporočam!…
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Johanna Valdez – Philippines

  Noro, kako natančna poročila! Ob branju nekaterih poglavij, me je tako zadelo da sem se povsem vznemirila. Všeč mi je, ker mi je pomagalo sprejeti vse malenkosti, za katere sem mislila, da niso moje. Ne motim se, sem pa drugačna in zelo mi je všeč, ker ta poročila razjasnjujejo in spobujajo, da ljubim sebe…
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Marissa (Amsterdam – Netherland)
Zdravilka, trenerka, profesionalna plesalka.

  Ta poročila so neverjetna! Pred skoraj enim letom se je Jure pojavil v mojem življenju in tako kot Jure so ta poročila neverjeten blagoslov, ki je prišel v moje življenje. Pomagala so mi pridobiti jasnost in vsakič se nasmehnem, ko jih prebiram. Ker nisem bila usmerjena v astralni svet, so me zelo presenetila. Kako…
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